Crazy Monkey granola packaging featured at Walmart's Sustainability Exp

Walmart’s Sustainable Products Expo

Global efforts to sustain our planet for future generations just took a major step forward and FASTechnology Group is at the forefront. On April 29, Walmart sponsored a Sustainable Product Expo at which Walmart and more than a dozen of its biggest suppliers, representing more than $100 billion in sales, pledged to accelerate the development of more sustainable agriculture and more complete recycling. Companies taking the pledge included such industrial heavyweights as Kellogg, Monsanto, Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, Campbell Soup, Cargill, General Mills and Goldman Sachs. Through increased collaboration and efficiency in the food chain, these pledges are expected to bring sustainable agriculture practices to approximately eight million acres of farmland, eliminate six million metric tons of Read more

FASTech unveils PACKprint Advanced Food Labeling

FASTechnology Group was in good company last week while exhibiting in Chicago at the Marketing and Innovation Summit sponsored by Store Brand Decisions.  With more than 350 C-level store brand retailers, manufacturers and solutions providers coming together for educational meetings and networking, the climate was right for us to launch our newest product PACKPrint®, a game-changing food labeling advancement allowing manufacturers  to capture the product DNA during packaging, all accessible at POP through a scannable QR code.

Customizable fields can provide information as detailed as Read more

PLMA Show Presentations

The 2013 PLMA Show in Chicago was a fantastic event once again! We hope you were able to visit our booth and see how CUSTOMPrint+ can put profits in your packaging — but in case you missed our exclusive presentations from veteran CPG professionals, we’ve included them below:

Bill Akins

Packaging as a Cornerstone to Retail Evolution

Bill Akins, Senior VP at Rockfish Interactive

Bill is a senior executive with numerous CPG and technology companies. He is credited with implementing innovative programs at Walmart and Sam’s Club where insights drive strategy and digital drives tactical execution.




m-ferrari-W suite 2

Packaging for Profit – How CustomPrint+ Moves Product Faster

Mike Ferrari, President of Ferrari Innovation Solutions

Mike is a 32-year veteran leader with Procter and Gamble and an award-winning expert in innovation packaging.

Contact Us for more information on how Custom Print+ can put profits into your packaging!
