Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)

What is a GTIN?

The CPG industry has a paramount interest in manufacturing food safe products. In order to stay in the game, complying with the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requires supply chain modifications to meet new track and trace requirement of food source and manufacturing conditions. Most companies are employing an industry code called a GTIN, This identifer, when combined with PACKprint, automates compliance as well as provides additional benefits.

What’s a GTIN?
GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number, and it refers to a number that distinctly identifies products or items as they travel move through the necessary channels. GTINs can Read more

Control Panel Fabrication

Industrial Automation Field Install On-Site Services

FASTechnology Group Transforms Ho-Hum Package Labeling into Marketing Muscle

FASTechnology Group, a leading manufacturer of industrial control systems, is attracting the interest of leading producers and retailers of consumer packaged goods with its Retail-Ready Personalized Packaging (RRPP) systems. Developed from print-on-demand processes used in the commercial printing industry, RRPP enables the production and marketing of products customized to store-level or to shopper-level, while eliminating the need for costly factory line changeovers. The new process has the potential to increase sales volume and shopper brand loyalty while substantially reducing material costs and waste. Read more

Packaging World talks about Personalized Packaging

February 2011 | PACKAGING WORLD 7

The commercial printing industry has a technology that could migrate to packaging and have a sizable impact. It’s called personalization, and it rests on a three-legged stool of variable printing, affinity marketing, and automated route sequencing.

Variable Printing
Let’s start with variable printing. Packaging professionals are plenty familiar with it. Lot and date-code information, for example, must vary from time to time, and even the Read more